The delivery robot transports laboratory samples autonomously around the hospital, learns its route by itself and communicates with lifts and doors by radio technology.
Claudia Pletscher heads the Development & Innovation unit at Swiss Post. Breaking new ground, learning from setbacks and doing pioneering work: these are some of the things it will take for Swiss Post to tap into related markets and meet new customer requirements, says the innovation chief.
New customer requirements and technologies, laws and competitors drive our actions every day. We take Swiss Post’s mandate seriously – secure transport of information and goods, including in the digital world – and offer our customers modern solutions in this rapidly changing world. We not only continuously optimize existing products, we also tap into related markets and create new solutions. Innovation is a logical and necessary means of remaining relevant to customers.
Swiss Post has always contributed to the modernization of Switzerland.
Setbacks are part of the process, because pilot projects are where we do pioneering work. They are there so that we can receive feedback, learn from them and get ideas ready for market. The latest knowledge and developments flow continuously into our work. This means that every step is valuable, even if some may seem like a step backwards.
Yes. As the biggest logistics provider in the country, we are convinced that autonomous transport methods can make logistics and mobility more efficient, more time-independent and more environmentally friendly. The SmartShuttle in the center of Sion and the use of drones and delivery robots in the healthcare sector already prove this in practice. Autonomous transport methods will in future make an important contribution to Switzerland’s modern infrastructure – and everyone will benefit.
Technologies like the Internet of things, artificial intelligence and blockchain will shape our future. And this is precisely why we will continue to evaluate the benefits of such technologies for the Swiss public and economy and integrate them into our products and services wherever it makes sense. If we don’t, Switzerland will become dependent on foreign corporations.