For PostBus and its employees, the past year was both intense and challenging. We joined Head of PostBus Christian Plüss to take a look back and cast a glance towards the future.
For our passengers, happily, none. As always, PostBus carried them safely and reliably from A to B, and they remain very satisfied with “their” PostBus. This is a credit to PostBus employees and a major achievement, because behind the scenes, we have completely restructured the company. PostBus has transformed itself from a decentralized association of regional companies into an organization with a functional management model. We completed this reorganization in early summer.
The reorganization is certainly an important part of that. But there are many other changes that, while less visible, are no less important. For example, we have completely changed the way in which we charge for our services. We can now show our customers transparently what they are paying for. We have also adapted our legal structure. We are now once again a single PostBus Ltd.
Our most important goal is still building up our customers’ trust.
Our most important goal is still building up the trust of the Confederation and cantons, as the customers who order our services. We want to work with them and our partners within the industry to continue to develop public transport in Switzerland. But we also have competitors. To remain competitive, we need to become even more productive and efficient. And, of course, our new organization must first become established.
This much we can anticipate: in ten years’ time, our vehicles will still mainly be Postbuses. However, the demands on mobility companies are changing. Digitization offers new opportunities for more flexible public transport. Sustainability is another focus. We want a public transport system that has as little impact on the climate as possible. In this area, we see a pioneering role for PostBus. And we also see development opportunities outside regional passenger transport. For example, in school buses and local transport or in rail replacement services. We will do everything in our power to ensure that, as a public service, PostBus remains a partner of choice for our customers.
In 2019, Swiss Post continued its systematic examination of the unlawful incidents at PostBus and implemented the following measures: the new Executive Board under the leadership of Christian Plüss was completed in spring. The previous organizational structure was scaled back and simplified. PostBus Ltd’s entry in the commercial register in June 2019 means that the reorganization is legally complete. Swiss Post now sets only quality objectives for PostBus, while the profit targets (EBIT) have been dropped. There was also a change of auditing company, and Swiss Post has sold its subsidiary CarPostal France. Swiss Post retains the option of filing civil claims for liability. The criminal investigation by fedpol is still ongoing.