The strategy is based on Swiss Post’s traditional strengths, with a focus is on Swiss Post’s core competency: trustworthy transport of goods and information. Swiss Post wants to strengthen and expand its range of services through acquisitions and partnerships in logistics and communication. This will enable it to generate new revenue streams. The focus in Swiss Post’s markets * is on evolving its services towards a sustainable range of products for the whole of Switzerland.
The growth Swiss Post is aiming for in order to continue generating the profits necessary for financing the universal service in Switzerland requires substantial investments – including in neighbouring countries. This is the only way in which Swiss Post can continue to guarantee a self-financed universal service in Switzerland.
This will also allow Switzerland to focus on the important issues in the future, too. Swiss Post’s strategy is based on its traditional strengths and core competencies: trustworthy services in the physical and digital worlds. At all times, at home, during leisure time and at work. In the countryside and in the city.
* At the end of 2021, Swiss Post decided to sell its subsidiary Swiss Post Solutions. Consequently, the “International BPO” market no longer appears in the Swiss Post Annual Report 2021. More information on SPS can be found in the Swiss Post Financial Report 2021.