Executive Management

The CEO and the seven members of Executive Management are elected by the Board of Directors. Each is responsible for the operational management of the unit assigned to them. The CEO represents Executive Management to the Board of Directors.

The Chief Executive Officer of PostFinance Ltd participates in Executive Management meetings as an observer.


Roberto Cirillo

CEO, member since 2019, Switzerland / Italy, 1971, ETH graduate in mechanical engineering, Advanced Management Program, Columbia Business School, New York, USA

Professional background: Optegra Eye Health Care, United Kingdom (Group CEO); Sodexo Group, France (CEO France), Sodexo Group, France (COO), Sodexo Group, France (various management positions), McKinsey & Company, Zurich and Amsterdam (Associate Principal), ETH, Zurich (researcher and lecturer)

Key posts: Croda International Plc, UK (Board of Directors, Non-Executive Director)


Dieter Bambauer

Head of PostLogistics, member since 2009, Switzerland / Germany, 1958, Dr oec. WWU, JLU

Professional background: Swiss Post Ltd (Head of PostLogistics and Head of Informatics); Hangartner AG (CEO); Schenker Switzerland Ltd (CEO); Deutsche Bahn AG (EVP freight logistics); Kühne + Nagel Management Ltd (Member of the Executive Board); MD Papier (Member of the Executive Board, logistics, IT); RCG (Head of Logistics Unit); Dr Waldmann & Partner (management consulting)

Key posts: Asendia Holding Ltd (Member of the Board of Directors); TNT Swiss Post GmbH (Vice-Chairman of Management); Cargo sous terrain AG (Member of the Board of Directors); Institute of Supply Chain Management, University of St. Gallen (Member of the Executive Committee); the “Weltoffenes Zürich” (“Cosmopolitan Zurich”) committee (Member)


Thomas Baur

Head of PostalNetwork, member since 2016, Switzerland, 1964, MBA ETH in Supply Chain Management

Professional background: Swiss Post Ltd (PostMail: Head of Delivery, Head of Logistics, Head of Business Development for ExpressPost, IT: Construction & Real Estate Project Manager, Head of Quality Assurance, Programmer / Analyst)

Wesentliche Mandate: keine


Alex Glanzmann

Head of Finance, member since 2016, Switzerland, 1970, lic. rer. pol. University of Bern, Executive MBA HSG in Business Engineering

Professional background: Swiss Post Ltd (Head of Finance at PostLogistics, Head of Central Distribution Area, Head of Strategic Projects & Business Controlling for the Goods Logistics unit, Project Portfolio Manager for the Goods Logistics unit); BDO Visura (Head of Management & HRM advisory unit and vice-director, chief management consultant); Office for Information Technology and Organization at the Canton of Solothurn (research assistant)

Key posts: PostFinance Ltd (Member of the Board of Directors, Member of the Risk and Organisation, Nomination & Remuneration committees); Swiss Post pension fund (Chairman of the Foundation Board)


Ulrich Hurni

Deputy CEO and Head of PostMail, member since 2009, Switzerland, 1958, commercial employee and business secretary at Swiss Post, EMBA University of Zurich

Professional background: Swiss Post Ltd (Interim CEO; PostMail: Deputy Head, Head; Swiss Post International: Managing Director; Telecom PTT: Unit / project controller; PostFinance: IT systems development)

Key posts: Asendia Holding Ltd (Chairman of the Board of Directors); TNT Swiss Post GmbH (Managing Director); Swiss Excellence Forum (Member of the Board)


Christian Plüss

Head of PostBus, member since 2018, Switzerland, 1962, Dr. sc. ETH Zurich

Professional background: Alpiq Ltd (Head of Hydro Power Generation); MeteoSchweiz (Director); Erdgas Ostschweiz AG (CEO); SBB AG (Head of Offer Management); Cap Gemini SA (Managing Consultant)

Key posts: Swiss Association of Public Transport, cooperative (APT, Member of the Board of Directors); LITRA (Ligue suisse pour l’organisation rationnelle du trafic, Member of the Management Committee); Alliance Suisse Pass (Member of the Board); Swiss Travel Fund Reka, cooperative (Member of the Board)


Valérie Schelker

Head of Human Resources, member since 2017, Switzerland, 1972, lic. rer. pol. University of Bern, CAS “Certified Strategy Professional” certificate programme at St. Gallen University

Professional background: Swiss Post Ltd (Head of Human Resources); PostFinance Ltd (Head of Working Environment, HR & Facility Management, Deputy Head of Working Environment, Head of HR Strategy & Development, Head of Market Research)

Key posts: Swiss Post pension fund (Member of the Foundation Board); Swiss Employers’ Association (Board member)


Jörg Vollmer

Head of Swiss Post Solutions, member since 2015, Germany, 1967, banker, qualified business economist, Executive MBA

Professional background: Swiss Post Ltd (Head of Swiss Post Solutions); Hewlett-Packard (Vice President BPO EMEA, various management positions in Finance, Management and Operations); Triaton GmbH (Managing Director); Commerzbank (Advisor)

Key posts: none


Hansruedi Köng 1

Chief Executive Officer of PostFinance Ltd, member since 2012, Switzerland, 1966, lic. rer. pol. University of Bern, Business Administration and Economics, Advanced Executive Program, Swiss Finance Institute

Professional background: PostFinance Ltd (Head of Treasury, Head of Finance, CEO; Member of the Executive Board since 1 March 2003); BVgroup Berne (Deputy Managing Director); PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd (Senior Manager); Basler Kantonalbank (Member of Executive Management); Schweizerische Volksbank (Head of Asset & Liability Management)

Key posts: none

1 As the Chief Executive Officer of PostFinance Ltd, Hansruedi Köng is not a member of Executive Management, but attends Executive Management meetings as an observer.