This letter box fits in your smartphone

The ePost App has enabled Swiss Post to reach a milestone on the road to the digital future: anyone who registers in the app can use it to receive letters, scan physical mail themselves, pay bills and more. The application is open to private customers, companies and public authorities.

This is how secure communication between companies and their customers works in the digital age: via the ePost App, Swiss Post’s new hub for digital correspondence. Companies connected to the application can send letters and invoices at the touch of a button. In no time at all, the correspondence pops up in the recipient’s digital letter box, which can be emptied anytime and anywhere.

The ePost App is easy to use and, thanks to multilevel user verification and encrypted data, it is also secure.

Nicole BurthHead of Communication Services

But the ePost App is even more versatile: users can also edit documents and pay digital bills directly via the app. As an additional paid feature, there is also a scanning service that allows both private and business customers to receive consignments sent physically as scanned documents.

“The ePost App is more than just another app on our smartphones. It will allow us to create an entire ecosystem for numerous companies and private customers. With this digital letter box, we are making not just correspondence but also a great deal of time-consuming administrative work easier,” says Nicole Burth, Head of Communication Services.

Effective collaboration

The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. The people behind it are the developers at KLARA Business Ltd. Swiss Post has been the majority shareholder in this Lucerne-based company, which specializes in IT solutions, since 2020. The application is available not only to private customers, but also to companies and public authorities. Initial partners include the bank Credit Suisse, the insurance company Vaudoise and the Canton of Lucerne.

E-voting source code publicly released

Swiss Post has published the full 150,000 lines of revised source code for the beta version of its e-voting system.  It has also launched a bug bounty programme, in which IT and cryptography experts from around the world can examine the documents. They are rewarded for their findings and insights. This approach is considered best practice. Transparent systems are among the requirements of the Confederation for the trial of e-voting in Switzerland. Swiss Post intends to make the e-voting system available to the cantons from 2022.