PostCard Creator App

Send a postcard by mobile phone

“Send us a postcard!” said her colleagues on the last working day before Frances's holidays. When she gets to Copenhagen, she decides to grant their wish immediately and pulls out her smartphone. Frances takes a selfie in front of a beautiful row of houses and sends it with the PostCard Creator App, which allows registered users to design and send a postcard every day free of charge. A photo, some creative text and the recipient's address in Switzerland is all she needs. Swiss Post takes care of everything else, printing the card and delivering it by A Mail.

Advertisers use the web platform PostCard Creator, which provides additional functions, to send mailings. With a wide range of standard and custom sizes, the online tool offers numerous design possibilities. Whether it's a thank you card or an Easter gift certificate for all customers, Swiss Post prints and sends the postcards – no matter how small the run – at reasonable prices.