Swiss Post’s mail carriers call at every household six days a week. They can also deliver fresh bread at the same time.
Six days a week, Swiss Post’s mail carriers call at practically every household in Switzerland. Swiss Post is using this proximity to customers and its nationwide logistics network to expand its core business – with innovative products and services that make everyday life easier.
households throughout Switzerland are served by Swiss Post every day.
Markus is extremely busy at work, leaving him little time for shopping. But that doesn’t mean he has to go without a fresh loaf from his local baker – because he has a subscription to have bread delivered to his home three times a week. His mail carrier leaves it in his mailbox when she delivers his letters. “Our bread delivery service is a genuine success story,” says Geneviève Wüthrich, Head of Last Mile & Business Solutions. “After a trial phase in Berne, we are now offering the service in other regions, too.”
This oven-fresh service is one of many examples of how Swiss Post generates added value for its customers. In some locations, it delivers fruit and vegetables straight from the farm. The mail carriers can also collect reusable items such as Nespresso capsules, textiles or second-hand goods when doing their rounds. “No additional journeys are needed for these supplementary services, because our staff are out on their delivery rounds anyway, calling at some four million households every day with their environmentally-friendly electric vehicles,” explains Geneviève Wüthrich.
The latest pilot project is a collaboration with the company PET-Recycling Schweiz. The idea: private households can have their PET drinks bottles collected in bags left on their doorstep, saving them the trip to the nearest collection point. As a logistics partner, Swiss Post is also providing Swisscom with a new service: Swisscom customers can pack up their old router and leave it in their private letter box for collection. If they are in good condition, the routers are repaired and reused. These services enable Swiss Post to make a valuable contribution to the circular economy.