Corporate responsibility strategy
We’re acting now for tomorrow
Socially responsible employer, responsible procurement, sustainable customer solutions, the common good, climate and energy: in terms of responsible action, these are Swiss Post’s five priority areas of action.
Corporate responsibility is firmly enshrined in the Group strategy. Because Swiss Post aims to power a modern Switzerland and drive forward sustainable development – including for the generations to come. For this reason, it is pursuing a corporate strategy that is responsible, climate-friendly and committed to ethical principles. The aim is to find an appropriate balance between economic success, environmental action and social responsibility, while taking account of the needs of current and future generations. In addition to its focus on climate and energy (see below), Swiss Post has defined four other priority areas of action:
A sustainable future for the next generation is a key concern for Swiss Post.
Socially responsible employer
Swiss Post offers fair, attractive and financially viable employment conditions and a working environment that encourages strong individual performance and a good balance between work and other aspects of life. It promotes diversity, integrates people from all backgrounds and does not tolerate discrimination.
Common good
Swiss Post creates economic and social added value and contributes to the common good. It is present everywhere in Switzerland, ensures access to important services and connects regions and generations with one other. It continues to develop its range of public services in dialogue with the relevant stakeholders, financing these services with its own resources.
Our operations are resource-saving and socially responsible.
Responsible procurement
Swiss Post is committed to responsible procurement and takes its role as a pioneer in sustainability seriously. It integrates sustainability criteria into both its service tenders and procurement processes. It is careful to treat its suppliers responsibly and uses innovative approaches to ensure CO2 reductions in the value chain.
Sustainable customer solutions
Swiss Post taps into market potential by developing and offering resource-saving and socially responsible customer solutions. With its logistics expertise, it is establishing itself as a provider of complete solutions for the implementation of a circular economy in Switzerland.
More on the CR strategy in the Financial Report on pages 25–32 More on Swiss Post’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 3, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12) What responsibility means for Swiss