Workplace case management

Getting back to normal with coordinated efforts

Long-term absences are stressful for employees and associated with high costs for Swiss Post. With its company case management programme, Swiss Post supports employees in finding their way out of difficult situations and back to work.

A long-time employee working in delivery rounds suffers from chronic back pain. After being cheated into debt with false promises of a cure, her marriage breaks down and she seeks refuge in alcohol. As a result of her addiction and a fall while working, she becomes unable to work for an indefinite period. Cases such as this fictional example occur more often than you might think. That is why all Swiss Post units today have a workplace case management programme, with specialist staff providing support to employees with difficulties in certain areas of their lives and helping them find their way back to work.

Agreeing goals and coordination

The case manager sits down with the person affected to discuss the situation. Together, they look for possible solutions and set goals. One important responsibility of the workplace case management programme is to integrate the individuals receiving support and the related organizations and institutions in the best possible way. In the example of the sick member of delivery staff set out above, this would involve contacting the social security institutions, clarifying issues with her health insurer and doctor, and organizing treatment for her addiction. Internally, the case manager ensures that the woman can get back to work despite her back pain by placing her temporarily in another job. Once her health stabilizes, she can then return to a delivery round.

Three units join forces

The workplace case management programme was inaugurated by Post Offices & Sales, PostMail and PostBus in 2013. One year after its inception, head Simone Duarte is positive about the results: “The cooperation between people in difficulties, HR advisors, managers and external bodies is very constructive.” To date, around 300 employees have been assisted by the joint case management programme at its five locations in Bellinzona, Lausanne, Olten, Berne and Zurich.

“I feel good!”: for healthy employees

How do I know if the various aspects of my life are well-balanced? What can I do to enhance my level of happiness? Who can I turn to with problems? With the “I feel good!” campaign, Swiss Post is raising awareness of mental health issues among its staff with printed and electronic information. The campaign is currently in the second of three planned years. Campaigns like “I feel good!” are not an end in themselves: satisfied, healthy and active employees make a company successful. That is why Swiss Post makes a serious investment in its workplace health management programme, which in addition to prevention also includes early detection, reintegration, occupational safety and health protection. These investments are worthwhile and have been acknowledged as such. In 2013, the company was awarded the Friendly Work Space label for the Group as a whole, a testimony to the fact that Swiss Post as an employer meets high quality standards with its health management programme. (only available in German, French and Italian)

Employees and Swiss Post benefit equally from the workplace case management programme.

Simone Duarte,

Head of Workplace Health Management, Post Offices & Sales