Real-time consignment tracking 

When will my parcel be here?

Who doesn’t want to know exactly when the parcel they are expecting will arrive and get information quickly about any changes? That is why Swiss Post has developed a service offering accurate information on parcel deliveries. The “My consignments” service shows private customers time slots of two to four hours on the day before delivery and a continuously updated time slot of 40 to 90 minutes on the day of delivery. If there is any significant delay in the planned delivery time – for example because the roads are congested – recipients are informed of the new time slot in good time. In the last few minutes before delivery, there is also a link to real-time parcel tracking, allowing customers to track the location of their parcel online on a map and react quickly to receipt of the parcel. The pick@home parcel collection service now also offers more accurate time forecasts.

In “My consignments”, a time slot of two to four hours is shown the day before delivery.

The arrival time service is available in all Swiss regions with parcel delivery alone and is being gradually expanded to areas with combined letter and parcel delivery.