Publication details

Publisher and point of contact

Swiss Post Ltd
Wankdorfallee 4
P.O. Box
3030 Bern

Tel. +41 848 888 888
Media relations +41 58 341 00 00

Concept and project management

Viviane Stehli, Swiss Post Communication, Bern
Dr Andreas Sturm and Martin Eckert, phorbis Communications Ltd, Basel


Swiss Post Communication, Swiss Post Finance, Bern
Sandra Schindler and Mareike Fischer, Klarkom AG, Bern


Swiss Post Ltd
Paolo Dutto, Zurich,
Museum of Communication/Beat Schweizer

Design and typesetting

Ilona Troxler Smith, Nathalie Rotella and Franck Schirmer,
phorbis Communications Ltd, Basel

Proofreading and translations

Swiss Post Communication, Bern