Digital ethics
Values and convictions for acting in the digital space
With its digital solutions, Swiss Post is guiding Switzerland into the digital future, an area where it is also a trustworthy partner. In addition to legally compliant data protection, this requires above all values and our own convictions when acting in the digital space. Because secure, trustworthy and sustainable use of the Internet is an important issue for Swiss Post. Swiss Post has defined digital ethical values and principles that go beyond legally required standards, such as the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection. In the field of artificial intelligence, where there are as yet no specific regulations in place in Switzerland, it is making a significant contribution to the trustworthy use of new technologies.
Swiss Post’s values as a guide
In 2024, Swiss Post developed digital ethics guidelines and communicated them both internally and externally. With these guidelines, Swiss Post’s goal is to ensure that when developing new services and offers, employees always keep the Group’s digital ethics guidelines in mind (ethics by design). Key aspects of this approach include transparency and traceability in the handling of customer data and the ability of customers to choose for themselves how their data is handled.
Swiss Post developed digital ethics guidelines and communicated them both internally and externally.
Cooperation with universities
In an effort to embed the topic of digital ethics more firmly in society and the economy, Swiss Post is involved in communities and works together with universities. Swiss Post gives guest lectures, keynote presentations and supports Master’s theses. It also contributes to the “Swiss Digital Ethics Compass” project, which is supported by Innosuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency. The goal of this project is to address ethical aspects in various use cases.