Business results
The 2023 financial year was marked by inflation and subdued consumer confidence. Operating profit (EBIT) at 323 million francs was down by 35 million francs on the previous year’s figure, and in line with expectations in view of the difficult conditions. The measures from the “Swiss Post of tomorrow” strategy in their third year are having an impact and provide a solid basis for the future: pricing and efficiency measures, targeted acquisitions and network opening are counteracting the fall in letter and parcel volumes and sharp decline in over-the-counter payments. To remain successful long-term, Swiss Post will continue to focus on customer requirements and to develop its services.
The Swiss Post Financial Report (consisting of the management report and corporate governance sections as well as the annual financial statements for the Group, Swiss Post Ltd and PostFinance Ltd) is available as a PDF and as a print publication.
Key figures
2022 |
2023 |
2023 with previous year for comparison |
Results |
Operating income |
CHF million |
6,859 |
7,279 |
Of which revenue abroad 1 |
CHF million |
682 |
711 |
As a share of operating income |
% |
9.9 |
9.8 |
Reserved services 2 |
CHF million |
961 |
905 |
As a share of operating income |
% |
14.0 |
12.4 |
Operating profit |
CHF million |
358 |
323 |
As a share of operating income |
% |
5.2 |
4.4 |
Group profit |
CHF million |
295 |
254 |
Employees |
Headcount at Swiss Post Group |
Full-time equivalents |
34,072 |
34,587 |
Abroad |
Full-time equivalents |
751 |
1,200 |
Financing |
Total assets |
CHF million |
120,470 |
108,866 |
of which customer deposits (PostFinance) |
CHF million |
89,994 |
89,121 |
Equity |
CHF million |
9,884 |
10,255 |
Investments |
Investments |
CHF million |
478 |
605 |
Other property, plant and equipment, intangible assets |
CHF million |
211 |
266 |
Operating property |
CHF million |
133 |
149 |
Investment property |
CHF million |
37 |
13 |
Investments |
CHF million |
97 |
140 |
Biological assets |
CHF million |
– |
37 |
Degree of self-financed investment |
% |
100 |
100 |
Value generation |
Cash flow from operating activities 3 |
CHF million |
– 8,862 |
– 8,883 |
Value added 4 |
CHF million |
4,296 |
4,279 |
Economic value added 5 |
CHF million |
– 96 |
– 215 |
1 Definition of “abroad” in accordance with Notes to the 2023 Group annual financial statements, Note 6.6, Geographical information.
2 Letters up to 50 g.
3 The figure has been adjusted (see Notes to the 2023 Group annual financial statements, Note 2.2, Accounting changes).
4 Value added = operating profit + personnel expenses + depreciation – gain / loss on the sale of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and interests.
5 The net costs of 268 million francs for the universal service obligation (2022: 260 million francs) are included in economic value added. See the definition of net costs on page 18.