Financial services
Innovations and smart solutions for every money-related need: that’s how PostFinance is shaping the future for people in Switzerland.
Hansruedi Köng, CEO of PostFinance Ltd
video interview

CredEx and Valuu: a strong team
PostFinance offers solutions from a single source to help customers find the right mortgage offer quickly and easily in the Swiss market. In order to continue strengthening its position, PostFinance acquired a stake in the B2B mortgage marketplace Credit Exchange (CredEx). CredEx now operates the digital mortgage brokerage platform Valuu.
Pay more easily and securely
PostFinance is continuously developing its innovative solutions for convenient payment. The PostFinance Card combined with Debit Mastercard® can now be used to pay via Apple Pay. This enables customers to benefit from a secure payment method without having to hand over their card, press buttons or use cash. Since 2024, paying in online shops has become even easier: with PostFinance Pay, online payments can be carried out quickly and securely via the PostFinance App.

Yuh: straightforward investment
Straightforward, transparent and cost-effective investments into the 3rd pillar: as of August 2023, anyone who wants to plan for retirement can open a pillar 3a directly via the Yuh finance app and choose one of five investment strategies. Yuh is Switzerland’s fully digital and mobile finance solution. PostFinance and Swissquote each hold a 50 percent stake in the independent company.
postfinance.ch/yuhTrading and storing cryptos securely
Demand for cryptocurrencies is rising steadily. As a trustworthy partner, PostFinance has offered trading and secure custody of digital currencies since the start of 2024. This allows customers to buy and sell cryptos just like other assets and to add them to traditional investment portfolios.
A stablecoin for Switzerland
PostFinance wants to drive the development of a digital franc and is entering into partnership with Swiss Stablecoin Ltd for this purpose. Stablecoins are digital currencies that are known for their value stability and track the price of the national currency. The practical feasibility is currently being reviewed as part of a joint viability test.