Jörg Vollmer Head of Swiss Post Solutions and Member of Executive Management
At the halfway point in the strategy period, Swiss Post Solutions is fully on track.
“We support our customers as a partner in their digital transformation”
In 2018, Swiss Post Solutions further strengthened its leading position in document solutions and acquired numerous new customers. Jörg Vollmer, Head of Swiss Post Solutions, identifies discerning customers and committed employees as the most important factors for success.
Mr Vollmer, when you look at the strategic goals of Swiss Post Solutions, how do you view the Group unit’s current progress?
At the halfway point in our strategy period, we’re fully on track. Swiss Post Solutions is growing rapidly and with attractive profitability, strengthening its leading position in document solutions in its target markets. In 2018, we also expanded our business with existing customers and acquired numerous new customers. In the banking, insurance, telecommunications and healthcare services sectors in particular, we have succeeded in creating an excellent baseline.
What do you regard as the most important factors in this success?
Customers and employees are our most important success factors. Particularly in terms of customer satisfaction, our values are again well above the industry average. 73 percent of customers surveyed awarded the maximum score when asked whether they would recommend us to others. This result is confirmed by our contract renewal rate of over 95 percent. Such positive ratings from customers are only possible because we have motivated and committed employees. For the third year in a row, Swiss Post Solutions continued to gain in employee satisfaction, and we achieved 81 points in customer orientation.
To what extent do new technologies play a role – after all, the focus of the business strategy is on the digital transformation?
We support our customers in their digital transformation: from the processing of incoming and outgoing omnichannel communication (physical and digital) to the automated processing of business processes. Technologies play an increasingly important role in these activities, which is why we already employ several hundred IT specialists worldwide. It is especially exciting when we can combine employees, process expertise and technology and offer standardized solutions and platforms that can be used by a large number of customers.
Do you have specific examples of this?
In our Banking Service Center, we handle paper-based payment transactions for 13 banks in Switzerland. 70 million inpayment slips are scanned, read and processed on a platform with our own software and by employees we can deploy flexibly. Another example is our Payroll Factory in Germany, where we produce around 7 million payslips for a large number of customers – all on one system and using a uniform process. This is also our approach to continuing to expand our global document processing platform.
Swiss Post Solutions is a success story for Swiss Post...
You might say that. We once again increased our profit before interest and taxes by 20 percent year-on-year – and our sales by 7 percent, thanks to innovative projects in document solutions and business processing. That means that we generate the highest return on sales in our global comparison group and that we are perfectly positioned. I’m looking forward to the future.