
Innovations and smart solutions for every money-related need: that’s how PostFinance is shaping the future for people in Switzerland.


“PostFinance understands the needs of its customers.”

PostFinance is the first systemically important Swiss bank to launch a crypto range. With savings plans for ETFs, shares and themed certificates, investors can invest automatically. The newly introduced video consultation service is proving popular.

Interview with Beat Röthlisberger, PostFinance CEO:

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Savings plans for ETFs, shares and themed certificates

PostFinance is the first major Swiss retail bank to offer its customers the ability to open savings plans for ETFs, shares and themed certificates via its e-trading platform. They work as simply as a standing order.

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 Payment transactions 

Optimized payment solutions for retailers

Offering all major cashless payment methods in store increases customer satisfaction and optimizes payment processing. Combo payment methods, launched in 2024, allows retailers to process all common cashless payment methods such as debit cards, credit cards and mobile payments under a single contract with PostFinance, regardless of the bank where their business account is held. This means PostFinance can offer the entire payment process at the point of sale from a single source and link it directly to its banking services.


Attractive resources for teaching financial skills

MoneyFit, the free set of resources for teaching financial literacy, continues to grow: in addition to schools and training companies, PostFinance now also supports parents with the financial education of their children. The new family guide offers practical expert tips and recommendations for practising money management at home. For teachers, there are revamped online resources with inspiring videos, interactive challenges and quizzes that liven up lessons and help to prepare pupils for dealing with financial matters.


PostFinance launches crypto range with savings plans

PostFinance enables customers to invest in and store cryptocurrencies easily and securely. A crypto savings plan allows interested customers to regularly invest smaller amounts using e-finance or the PostFinance App.

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 Video consultation 

Developing more customer-focused branches

PostFinance is optimizing the customer experience with redesigned branches and video consultation to improve service in the sales areas. The goal is to handle services more efficiently and allow more time for personal consultation and sales. The first branch with the new design opened at the end of 2024 in Lausanne, and from 2025 all 15 other branches will be redesigned to be more modern and customer-focused. PostFinance also introduced video consultations, which allow customers to get advice online wherever they are, without having to visit a branch. The feedback is positive: many people appreciate the time saved and find video consultation more personal than a telephone call.

 Life insurance 

PostFinance expands its range

In collaboration with AXA, PostFinance has launched the “SmartFlex capital plan” life insurance product. This pillar 3b endowment insurance is suitable for one-off investment of assets for pension or estate planning. Part of the amount is invested in a diversified equity fund, while the other part goes into safety capital on which interest is paid. The advantages of the capital savings plan include flexible adaptation options, free security options, and under certain conditions tax-free payouts as well as inheritance and bankruptcy privileges.