Interview with Beat Röthlisberger, PostFinance CEO
“PostFinance understands the needs of its customers.”
Beat Röthlisberger, you have been CEO of PostFinance since 1 July 2024. What’s your view on the 2024 results?
In 2024 PostFinance generated operating profit of 203 million francs, down
61 million francs year-on-year. Operating revenue was down 64 million francs to 1,897 million francs. The interest differential business is the most important source of income for PostFinance. As a result, interest income in the reporting period was down 72 million francs year-on-year. The latest interest rate cuts by the Swiss National Bank make it clear just how volatile the interest rate environment continues to be. Falling interest rates are clouding the prospects of any recovery in our margins.

PostFinance sees sustainability as an opportunity.
The company’s own margins are one thing. But what do falling interest rates mean for its customers?
What they mean for our customers specifically is that in real terms, they are earning a negative return on savings deposits – i.e. interest income minus inflation. Depending on the investment horizon, customers should therefore really consider investing in securities or fund products and seek our advice on their options. Customers with mortgages, on the other hand, are benefiting from very favourable conditions.
PostFinance sees itself as an innovative financial institution. Where do you see evidence of that?
PostFinance is the first systemically important Swiss bank to introduce a crypto range, which is certainly one of the highlights that shows our innovative side. So we can say with some pride that when it comes to blockchain and digital assets, we are seen as more progressive than many other banks. With our crypto range, we have been providing our customers and Switzerland as a whole with secure and trustworthy access to various cryptocurrencies since February 2024. We make it easier to get started in the world of digital assets, and we offer the transparency needed to do so. Another example is our savings plans for ETFs, shares and themed certificates, which PostFinance introduced in 2024. These plans offer customers simple and cost-efficient access to the financial markets. With over 30 ETFs, around 300 shares from the most important indices and several themed certificates, investors can invest automatically and regularly, adapt their investments to their personal financial situation and take advantage of the opportunity to build up their assets sustainably. PostFinance understands the needs of its customers and tailors its services accordingly.
What does PostFinance do for its customers?
To give an example, we are optimizing the customer experience with redesigned branches and video consultation. Our goal here is to handle services more efficiently and allow more time for personal advice. The first branch with the new design opened its doors in Lausanne at the end of 2024, and the remaining 15 branches will be remodelled from 2025. We have also introduced video consultations, which allows customers to get advice online regardless of where they are. The feedback is positive.
In the world of banking, sustainability is an important issue. What is PostFinance’s approach here?
PostFinance has opted for a progressive sustainability strategy and sees sustainability as an opportunity. We are committed to the issues of environment, climate, diversity, equity and inclusion, and transparency. We take our social responsibility as an organization seriously and we are gradually expanding our sustainable market services for our customers. This involves first taking responsibility for ourselves and offering our employees a dedicated three-stage training programme. By 2028, we want to provide training in this area to as many employees as possible and continue to embed sustainability in the company’s conduct and culture.