Pooling strengths
By introducing functional processes, we are improving service quality at Swiss Post.
Daniel Krebs
Head of Transformation administrative office
At a time when markets are evolving every day and technologies are changing rapidly, the effectiveness of functional processes is also becoming critical. Swiss Post has implemented the Functional Management 2020 programme to pool functional tasks.
Customers can order registered letters to be delivered directly to a My Post 24 terminal via the Post-App and pay using their customer account. All-in solutions for companies combine logistics services, document processing and payment processing. These two examples highlight the changing nature of Swiss Post’s markets, driven by new technological opportunities. To harness these possibilities and continue offering customers high-quality services in the future, Swiss Post is harmonizing and digitizing its internal processes with the goal of increasing its efficiency, and in particular its effectiveness. At the same time, the transparency of management and control is being improved across the Group. To achieve this, Swiss Post is implementing the Functional Management 2020 programme, which provides support and assistance for bringing all information technology, finance, communication and HR positions under their own management. The project is controlled by a steering committee chaired by the CEO.
Developing process capabilities
Functional management will lead to an efficiency increase of around 30 percent. At the halfway point, two years after implementation, we are on track to achieve this, despite the fact that all functions have revised their management and process model and are implementing the changes in stages until 2020. In addition to the standardized service catalogues, a measurement model was used to ensure progress in service quality. Optimization of the processes is already well underway.
Same goal, different transformation priorities
Because it is at the core of our operational processes and enables all interactions and transactions with customers and partners, information technology plays a central role in the digital transformation. At Informatics, the operating model and organization have been completely restructured and all job profiles geared towards the target organization.
As part of the transformation, a new HR model was introduced in the Human Resources function unit in 2018. It is now a self-service model that focuses on managers’ requirements. It structures requests using a ticketing system and shortens process times, allowing the other units to implement HR processes efficiently and digitally within their chosen framework.
In times of accelerated change, financial management is becoming increasingly important. The Finance function unit will use its project on harmonization of value streams to gear Swiss Post’s technological and process-based financial control capacity towards these requirements.
In Communication, the focus is on establishing consistent communication with customers across all channels and elements. The pooling of communication resources makes it possible to focus campaign management on key topics across Swiss Post.