Lived behaviour

Realizing the vision with the leadership compass

With the leadership compass, Swiss Post provides its management staff with a practical tool that helps them to orient themselves in the implementation of the vision and exemplify the “tone at the top”.

“What qualities do managers need to ensure that Swiss Post implements the vision as quickly as possible?” This question has been the subject of an intensive examination by Swiss Post Executive Management. From the outset, it was clear that “Simple yet systematic – Swiss Post.” will only become a reality when the leadership behaviour of managers allows them to work systematically towards the implementation of the vision.

In addition to the vision, the development of the leadership compass was also informed by the Swiss Post strategy, the guiding principles of the units and the principles of leadership and cooperation. What emerged is an orientation framework with six dimensions that define the qualities sought in current and future management staff:

– I believe in taking a positive view of human nature

– I show passion for Swiss Post

– I love customers, both internal and external

– I get excited about new ideas

– I help to shape changes

– I am hungry for success

A positive side effect is that these qualities also help managers to fulfil their role as leaders by example in terms of the “tone at the top” communication and behaviour guidelines.

The compass is anchored by a reflection tool, selected modules from the Group management programme, a self-organized, interactive learning dialogue, and integration into the management processes.

It is taught in four steps. First, managers become familiar with the leadership compass and what its purpose is. The second step is dedicated to exploring and discussing the compass using the self-reflection tool, through which the team also give feedback to their managers. The third step is designed to allow management staff to continually develop and improve their behaviour with the help of the Group management programme and the learning dialogue. In the fourth and final step, the contents of the compass will be integrated into the management processes, leading to a binding code of behaviour.

Simple system

The leadership compass will be used by members of management and their teams on a regular basis. The use of this tool will help to turn Swiss Post into a more self-learning organization composed of independent and responsible individuals.

The compass was presented for the first time in early 2016. Rollout for top and senior management will continue over the course of 2016. Middle management will also start working with it no later than 2017/2018.

We will accomplish the vision with managers who are committed to it, and with the help of the leadership compass.

Peter Hasler,

Chairman of the Board of Directors