Claudia Pletscher
Head of Development & Innovation, Member of Extended Executive Management
Swiss Post is already using delivery drones and autonomous shuttles. What technologies will you be focusing on in the future?
We are focusing on the Internet of things in consignment tracking and blockchain – both of which are indispensable technologies for a logistics specialist.
Why does Swiss Post focus on these technologies at a very early stage?
To remain competitive in our core business, it is essential for us to have a detailed understanding of technologies early on. This allows us to tailor them to our customers’ needs and bring services to market in good time.
People who want to access Swiss Post’s online services can now use SwissID.
Yes, around 500,000 customers are already using SwissID, which is a single login that gives them easy and secure access to the online services provided by Swiss Post and other companies. The aim is to develop SwissID into an electronic identity that can be widely used.
Digital trust
New solutions for a digital world
Swiss Post has always been a trusted partner when it comes to transporting sensitive information and goods. It develops innovative digital services for its customers based on new technologies.
Swiss Post’s digital solutions are secure, efficient and legally compliant. They are developed in collaboration with leading technology partners, creative start-ups, cities, cantons, companies and universities. With this approach, Swiss Post combines and expands its own expertise with external knowledge and new experience and develops new business opportunities.
Electronic voting at home and abroad
Swiss Post offers the Swiss cantons an e-voting solution in which security is the first priority. Swiss Post’s e-voting system has been on the market since 2016 and, since February 2019, has been the first and only Swiss e-voting solution certified for 100 percent of the electorate. In 2018, Glarus and Graubünden chose to join the Cantons of Thurgau, Neuchâtel, Fribourg and Basel-Stadt in adopting Swiss Post’s e-voting system as an additional third voting channel. It was used for the first time by the Canton of Thurgau on 23 September 2018. At present, only Thurgau citizens who are resident abroad are able to cast their vote electronically. In future, however, voters residing in Thurgau itself will also be able to benefit from the digital voting channel.
Digital solutions for the healthcare sector
In the healthcare sector, the level of complexity and need for coordination between stakeholders is increasing. Swiss Post offers the core communities of e-health service providers from the various cantons an E-Health platform that makes electronic patient records (EPR) accessible to residents and provides collaboration services for stakeholders (B2B). The EPR allows patients and authorized professionals to access and exchange medical records securely and easily. It therefore contributes to raising the quality of treatment, and to improving intercommunication and efficiency within the healthcare system. The Canton of Geneva and the core communities eHealth Südost, eHealth Aargau and Spital Thurgau AG have already turned to this secure solution. To expand its E-Health platform and offer new services to its customers, Swiss Post entered into a partnership with Siemens Healthineers eHealth Solutions in 2018.