Swiss Post supports logistics in the healthcare sector with digital solutions.
Martin Fuchs
Head of eHealth
The relevant health data at a glance, anytime.
Connecting health securely
At the interface between treatment and logistics processes, Swiss Post is positioning itself as a service provider that combines physical and digital expertise, creating added value for all stakeholders in the health sector.
Kurt visits his family doctor on a regular basis. His doctor notes that his blood pressure is high again and prescribes a 24-hour blood pressure measurement. Kurt receives the blood pressure gauge in the post, and because he has an electronic patient record, he can quickly and easily send the collected data back to his doctor for analysis. Later, Swiss Post collects the device, has it cleaned and places it back into storage.
eHealth platform as basis
“This case is a good example of how we see Swiss Post’s future role,” says Martin Fuchs, Head of eHealth at Swiss Post. “We plan to dovetail the treatment and logistics processes – thanks to our eHealth platform.” Postal secrecy is guaranteed for both the transfer of sensitive information and the physical transport of medical products.
Swiss Post has been a successful logistics provider in the healthcare sector for quite some time now. It offers services such as delivering artificial joints and the associated instruments to operating theatres, collecting the instruments after they have been used and having them sterilized for the next use. The digital transformation now offers the opportunity to develop services like these into marketable eHealth solutions, thanks to the possibilities opened up by the digital world.
With its eHealth platform, Swiss Post networks all stakeholders in the healthcare sector. “With new digital services, we can simplify and accelerate processes, eliminate sources of error and ensure a continuous flow of data,” says Martin Fuchs. Swiss Post is therefore helping to save costs and improve quality in the sector.